10 Benefits of Hiring a Dog Bite Attorney

Dogs are said to be man’s most loyal friend, but there is no certainty that a dog will never attack. According to statistics from the Center For Disease Control (CDC), there are around 4.7 million dog bites in the United States every year. That means out of every 69 US people, 1 person is attacked by a dog every year. Sometimes the severity of the bite and resulting injury warrants hiring a dog bite attorney to handle the case.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
What will you do when your neighbor’s dog attacks you?
Living in the US, many people keep dogs as pets and companions, and unfortunately, you need to be ready to deal with dog bite occurrences if it happens to you. As a victim, you should know that the owner is liable and you can claim compensation for the injuries.
While it may not seem that dog bite injuries can be too serious, most times the resulting injuries from a bite can be very costly and traumatizing. Dog bite injuries require immediate medical attention, time off from work (lost income) and in many instances, plastic surgery. Not to mention the pain and suffering from emotional distress, which can be traumatizing and lead to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
For such unfortunate incidents, it is always in your best interest to consult a competent dog bite attorney that can help you obtain fair compensation for your injuries.
What are the other benefits of hiring a dog attack attorney?
- You can hold the dog owner responsible for your injury:
A dog bite can leave you severely disfigured and emotionally traumatized, so it’s your right to demand compensation for your injury. Some dog owners train their dogs to be wild and aggressive for defense purposes or because they are bad owners. These types of owners create the risk of injury and thus, should be on the hook for it. But even a good dog owner can’t predict their dog’s behavior, which is why it is important that they keep a watchful eye on their pet, so it doesn’t attack anyone.You should contact a dog bite attorney as soon as you are bitten by a dog. The attorney will not just help you recover the medical costs but also ensure you get the just compensation you deserve. They will ensure that the dog owner is held responsible. - You don’t pay until you win the claim:
Many people think that hiring a dog bite attorney will be very expensive. However, this is not the case. The majority of dog bite claims handled by injury attorneys are on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don’t pay the attorney any costs upfront. The attorney only gets paid when he or she obtains a settlement for the dog bite victim. So as a victim, you don’t have to pay any upfront costs, and the attorney gets paid from the settlement that he gets for you. - You get access to better negotiation skills:
Dog bite cases are typically defended by insurance companies, who will not treat you fairly and will try to minimize your claim. When you hire a dog bite attorney, you will benefit from the sharp negotiation skills of your injury attorney, who deals with insurance adjusters on a daily basis. Your injury lawyer will ensure that you get fully compensated for all of your losses without having to deal with the cumbersome delay tactics the insurance adjuster will inevitably utilize. WIth an attorney by your side, you will get the full value of your case without delay. - Better Chance of Increased Compensation:
Insurance adjusters’ primary task is to reduce the amount of money they pay to you for your injuries. They do this by minimizing any aspect of your case. For example, in a dog bite case, they will try to say that you caused the dog to bite you by your actions, or that your bite wounds will heal with no issue. Based on these factors, they will only offer you a small percentage of what you’re actually owed. By hiring a dog bite attorney, you will know that nothing was left on the table and that you were not taken advantage of by the insurance company. - Knowing the Local Rules and Laws:
Dog bite cases are no different than any other legal case, and each State/City has its own rules relating to specific situations. Certain jurisdictions will have much stricter rules when it comes to animals and where people are allowed to keep such animals. These rules and laws can play a very important role in your dog bite case because they create specific standards for owners and victims. As a victim of a dog bite, you may be overwhelmed by such rules and laws, so it is always best to consult with an attorney who is well versed in this area. Your Fremont, CA attorney will ensure that the dog owners are held accountable and that you are given every opportunity to utilize all of the local rules and laws in your favor. - You get access to a team of investigators:
Whether a dog bite is small or big, it leaves the victim with an injury that usually needs immediate medical attention. In that critical moment, a dog bite victim does not pay much attention to collecting evidence and witness information. This is why it is imperative to call a lawyer immediately, so they can start the investigation process and preserve any evidence. Dog bite attorneys will usually have a team of investigators to help them gather circumstantial evidence, which will help your case immensely. - You get answers to all your dog bite questions:
If you have ever been in a situation where you feel lost and overwhelmed, then you know how important it is to have someone that you can call and get answers to your questions. It’s even better when you know that the person you are calling is reliable and knowledgeable, such as an injury attorney who knows exactly what to do in these situations. Dog bite attorneys have likely handled a situation very similar to yours, so they will be able to guide you in the right direction. - Your attorney knows how to pursue your claim:
Sometimes a dog bite victim will attempt to pursue a claim on their own in order to avoid paying any fees to an injury attorney. However, there is a process that attorneys use to get the maximum benefit for the victim in the shortest time period. Attempting to pursue a claim on your own not only delays your compensation, it can significantly damage your case. And if you have to file a lawsuit, you will need an attorney to guide you through the litigation process, which has little room for error. - Your attorney will save you from the trespassing and provocation blame:
Dog Bite defense attorneys will almost always try to defend the dog owners by blaming the victim for either trespassing or provoking the dog. These defenses will hurt your case and reduce your compensation for your injuries. Don’t let the defense attorneys take advantage of your ignorance of the laws and hire a dog bite attorney to fight for you. - Your attorney acts as your personal advocate:
Regardless of your medical bills and lost wages, a dog attack can be very traumatizing and cause PTSD and anxiety.Your Fremont attorney will not only ensure you are compensated for your medical bills and lost wages, but he will take the time to make sure that you are also compensated for the pain and suffering from the attack. Your attorney will listen to your story and how this tragic event has affected you and your loved ones. They will be able to convey this to the adjusters or a jury in a compelling way, so that you are not slighted as a victim. Moreover, your attorney will make sure that the dog owner is held liable and that they do a better job of controlling their dog in the future.
Before we depart,
Here are some answers to the most popular questions:
Why may a dog bite?
- A dog bites if it is undergoing stress or physical discomfort;
- A dog may bite if threatened or misbehaved with;
- Sometimes, dogs bite while protecting their masters or their loved ones;
- Dogs may accidentally bite while playing because they get over excited.
It is good practice to take notes of such triggers while walking past a dog. Your alertness and disciplined behaviour will save you from falling into a potential dog bite situation.
Looking for a Dog Bite Attorney? You can contact NK Law Group, – Personal injury lawyer in Fremont, Ca by filling the contact form or by directly calling us at 510-519-9497.

Naseer Khan, Esq.
November 27 2024
Top-rated personal injury attorney Naseer Khan, Esq. has over a decade of experience advocating for injury victims in California. As an award-winning attorney and a member of the American Association for Justice, Khan has a stellar track record of success and devotion to justice for his clients.