Fremont Child Injury Lawyer

Navigating a child injury due to the negligence of a reckless person or third party can be overwhelming for everyone involved. Due to their size and age, children are uniquely susceptible to personal injuries. Their stature makes them less able to withstand trauma and shock, and they may also not fully understand the consequences of certain behaviors. 

When your child is injured—whether in an auto collision, at school, or at daycare—you are likely entitled to file a claim for their damages. As a parent, you are trusting their school or their daycare provider to keep your child safe. When this duty is broken through negligence, your best method of recourse is to speak with a dedicated Fremont child injury lawyer as soon as possible. The team at NK Law Group proudly serves the entire state of California and is here to help you get the financial compensation and justice you deserve today. 

Proving Fault in a Child Injury Accident

When it comes to proving fault and establishing liability in a child injury accident, the four components of negligence must be demonstrated: 

  • Your child was owed a duty of care
  • That duty of care was broken due to recklessness or negligence
  • That breach of care resulted in an accident
  • The accident directly caused your child’s injury

Children do not operate or think the same way as adults. They may not fully understand the consequences or risks of their actions, which is why they require the amount of care and supervision they do. When a child walks behind a car in a parking lot or injures themselves at school due to a reckless action of their own, they are not likely to be held accountable for their mistake by law as there is an expectation that they did not understand the risk of their actions. 

How a Child Injury Lawyer Can Help

Don’t try to navigate the aftermath of your child’s injury alone. The personal injury claim process can be long and complicated, and when you attempt to handle it without the help of a qualified and knowledgeable attorney, you are running the risk of receiving a low settlement offer or even having your claim dismissed. When you partner with an attorney from NK Law Group, you are allowing yourself to focus on your child’s recovery while your Fremont child injury attorney gets to work on the following important aspects of your case:

Collecting Evidence

To demonstrate that negligence has occurred, your attorney will immediately investigate the circumstances surrounding your child’s accident. This predominantly includes the gathering and assessing of any potentially relevant evidence to the case. This can include security footage, eyewitness accounts, expert testimony where needed, and even medical records or police reports. 

File Your Claim

It is important to remember that the insurance company is not on your side and will likely attempt to cover up the accident with a small settlement offer. When you have an attorney on your side, they will file your personal injury claim for you. This includes all negotiations and talks with the insurance company. It also ensures your claim has all of the necessary paperwork and is filed on time with adherence to California’s statute of limitations. 

If you find yourself in a position where you have surpassed the deadline to file a claim, your attorney can help discuss your options. 

Fight for Adequate Settlement

An attorney can also help when it comes to recovering a settlement worthy of your child’s injuries. An accident can be quite costly and result in stacks of unpaid medical bills, future trips to the doctors, the need for rehabilitative therapy, and even prescription medication costs. Your attorney will use the collected evidence to demonstrate the at-fault party’s role in your child’s accident and fight for damages that will help cover the actual costs of the accident, including the emotional turmoil. 

NK Law Group understands how important financial compensation can be when moving forward from an accident, which is why we fight so hard for you to recover a high settlement. If the insurance company is unwilling to negotiate or attempts to shift the blame, we are even prepared to take your case to court. 

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Fremont Child Injury Attorney Today

NK Law Group specializes in personal injury matters and is qualified to handle even the trickiest of child injury cases. We take a personalized approach to the world of personal injury and carefully evaluate each case before taking it head on. When you partner with NK Law Group, you are partnering with a firm that gives you access to a compassionate and distinguished attorney throughout the entire process, from the first consultation to the final settlement offer. 

To see how we can best help you today, please use our contact form to schedule a free case evaluation or call our Fremont office at (510) 519-9497.



If you or someone you know needs help, it will cost you nothing to discuss your injury case with an attorney. Give us a call anytime or contact us via the form below.