Advantages of Hiring a Fremont CA Automobile Accident Lawyer

Automobile accidents are fairly common in the state of California where hundreds of road accidents occur across the state every day. In fact, the state of California witnessed over 3,651 deaths due to automobile accidents in 2016. Most of these accidents involved passenger cars and motorcycles. Statistics reveal that Fremont, which is one amongst California’s safest cities, experienced more than 800 automobile accidents, involving 10 deaths, between 2010 and 2015. Such automobile accidents don’t just impact the lives of the victims, but also negatively affect the lives of their loved ones. Medical care expenses, involuntary loss of income, and damage to property resulting from such accidents can easily baffle anyone. This is when hiring an expert Fremont automobile accident lawyer can prove advantageous to you.
Why Should You Hire Car Accident Lawyers in Fremont?
Fremont is a comparatively smaller city in California. However, despite being a small region, the city still witnesses a lot of car accidents, almost every day. In fact, more than 343 car accidents were reported in the city in 2016. Many car accidents can prove to be fatal or near fatal, and strongly impact the lives of the victim and their families. Things become all the more complicated for the uninitiated victims who do not really know how to pursue a claim for the damages caused to them. Such victims would greatly benefit from hiring a car accident lawyer in Fremont, CA.
A skilled Fremont car accident attorney can quickly navigate the claims process, and obtain the best possible compensation for victims or their families. Car accident lawyers in Fremont can help victims investigate the case, find out evidence critical to the case, help navigate victims through the otherwise complex legal process, and enable them to receive the best possible compensation for their damages.
Why Should You Hire Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Fremont?
Similar to car accidents, Fremont also witnesses a great number of motorcycle accidents, especially on the city’s dangerous intersections. In fact, 242 motorcycle accidents were reported in Fremont between 2004 and 2016. Out of these cases, 11 were hit-and-run cases, where the motorcyclists were left to die on the roads. Motorcycle accidents are more devastating and catastrophic; and in most traffic collisions between motorcyclists and cars, often car drivers are at fault. To make matters worse, there is an unfavorable bias against motorcycle riders by courtroom jurors and especially by insurance adjusters. Resultantly, motorcycle accident victims often find it difficult to get restitution for their injuries and rightful compensation for the damages. That’s why it makes sense to hire a Fremont motorcycle accident lawyer because they are experienced and knows every little known facts about motorcycle accidents.
Experienced motorcycle lawyers in Fremont can help motorcycle accident victims navigate through the legal procedure and pursue compensation for damages including loss of income, medical and rehabilitative care, pain and suffering, etc.
Now that you know why you should hire a car/motorcycle accident lawyer in Fremont, let’s look at some of the great advantages of hiring a Fremont automobile accident lawyer.
1. Getting Appropriate Insurance Claims for Automobile Accidents
In most cases, automobile accident cases begin with the insurance claim filing process. But getting the exact value of your claim can prove to be a rather cumbersome task. More often than not, insurance adjusters can reduce the value of your claim placing the blame of the accident on the victim. This is where the Fremont automobile accident attorneys come to your rescue.
An experienced Fremont auto accident lawyer can help you handle all insurance communications pertaining to your case in order to ensure that your rights are protected throughout. An auto accident attorney is well versed in the different tactics used by insurance adjusters to reduce the value of the claim. When you are represented by an experienced Fremont auto accident attorney, insurance companies are put on alert that you, as a victim, will not settle for anything less than the full compensation, and you are willing to take this claim to court, if needed.
2. Proving Liability
The first hurdle that must be overcome in an injury case, is proving liability. In other words, you must prove that someone else is at fault for your injuries, and they must compensate you for it. Skilled automobile accident attorneys in Fremont can help you gather information to prove that the other party was at fault and that you deserve the best possible compensation.
Fremont auto accident lawyers can help prove four critical elements of fault or negligence to get you the best possible compensation:
- The at-fault party owed the victim a duty of care;
- This duty of care was breached by the at-fault party;
- This breach of duty led to your injuries;
- Your injuries led you to damages or losses.
This may seem like an easy task, but there are hundreds of cases and statutes that quickly complicate this process. Lawyers have the resources and knowledge to quickly find the right precedent.
3. Collecting Evidence of Automobile Accidents
Fremont automobile accident lawyers can help you thoroughly investigate the case and collect critical evidence that can establish that you’ve suffered injuries due to the accident. This evidence is then used to establish your claim and your monetary damages.
Here’s a brief list of what evidence may be needed:
- Accident reports
- Witness statements
- Photos from accident spot intersection cameras
- Video recordings from cameras at businesses around or from witnesses
- Medical history reports
- Physical health examinations and scans
- Expert reports regarding biomechanics
4. Becoming Aware of Applicable Traffic Rules
A Fremont automobile accident lawyer is experienced enough to help you understand the nuances of California traffic laws and how different rules can be used to prove liability in court. Your automobile accident lawyer will have the knowledge to determine which laws were broken by the other party, how the traffic violation caused the accident, and how the other party is liable for the damages sustained by you.
Yet another benefit is the fact that your Fremont automobile accident attorney can help you make a personal injury claim within the specified timeframe. Remember, not filing a personal injury claim within the specified statutory limitation may cause loss of your right to pursue personal injury claims.
5. Evaluating Automobile Accident Claim Amount
Automobile accidents often prove to be an expensive affair. Medical care expenses, loss of business or income, and other damages must be carefully taken into consideration when determining the value of an automobile accident claim.
An experienced automobile accidents lawyer in Fremont can help you evaluate all these factors and determine the compensation amount you are eligible for. This could prove to be rather advantageous because most insurance adjusters often try to undermine the amount of the claim and lure claimants into lower settlements.
Here’s a list of factors that Fremont automobile accidents lawyers carefully examine in order to evaluate and determine your claim:
- Medical care expenses
- Future medical expenses
- Loss of pay/wages/salary while recovering
- Loss of past and future income in case your injuries prevent you from continuing your normal job
- Cost of repair to your vehicle
- Damages to personal property
- Negative impact of accident on your present and future life
Over to You!
If you have sustained injuries and suffered any loss due to an automobile accident, or if an insurance adjuster is not ready to repay your damages in full, you must get in touch with an experienced Fremont automobile accident lawyer at NK Law Group – by just filling out the contact form or by making a phone call at 510-519-9497.

Naseer Khan, Esq.
August 27 2024
Top-rated personal injury attorney Naseer Khan, Esq. has over a decade of experience advocating for injury victims in California. As an award-winning attorney and a member of the American Association for Justice, Khan has a stellar track record of success and devotion to justice for his clients.