Hayward Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycles can be an exhilarating mode of transportation for motorists in Hayward, California. While these motor vehicles can be a great way to take in California’s scenic views as they go to and from their destinations, motorcycles can also be highly dangerous. Just as with every motor vehicle, there is a high risk of an accident occurring when least expected. If you were injured in a motorcycle accident in Hayward, California, you may be owed compensation for your losses. To get help with your personal injury claim, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. 

NK Law Group has extensive experience handling motorcycle accident injury cases for victims who have suffered injuries in Hayward, California. The healing process for victims of motorcycle accidents is different from case to case. That is why our team of motorcycle accident lawyers work hard to ensure that no one has to go through the California legal process on their own and can feel confident pursuing justice for their losses. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact the Hayward motorcycle accident attorneys at NK Law Group today.

How Can You Prove Liability in a Hayward Motorcycle Accident?

While all motor vehicle accidents are dangerous for the drivers and passengers involved, motorcycle drivers do not have the same protection that those in a car or truck have. Motorcyclists often suffer from various injuries due to a lack of protection when they are involved in a crash. 

If you were involved in an accident where another party’s negligence led to your losses, it is important for your claim that you can prove liability and hold the at-fault party responsible for their actions. To prove liability for your motorcycle accident claim, you must provide evidence of the four elements of negligence:

  • The liable party owed you a duty of care
  • The liable party breached the duty of care owed to you
  • The breach of duty is what caused your motorcycle accident and injuries
  • You suffered a loss as a result

To get help collecting the necessary evidence for your Hayward, California, motorcycle accident claim, retain the help of our trusted personal injury lawyers.

Can You Collect Damages After a California Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accidents often leave victims with physical and emotional injuries that can take a long time to recover from. Regardless of what caused your accident, how severe it was, or whether you believe you may be partially at fault, if another party is to blame for your losses, you deserve justice. To get justice for your injuries and losses, you can file a personal injury claim that may allow you to collect the fair compensation you are eligible for. The damages you may be eligible to collect after filing your motorcycle accident claim include:

  • Medical expenses: After a motorcycle accident, victims may incur costly medical bills due to their injuries and recovery process. Victims should be compensated for the cost of paying off these expenses.
  • Lost wages: Motorcycle accident victims should be compensated for all present lost wages they have suffered as they recover from the accident.
  • Lost earning potential: Victims who are no longer able to perform their jobs due to chronic injuries or a disability that resulted from the crash should be compensated for all future earnings they may be losing out on.
  • Property damages: California motorcycle accident victims should be compensated for the cost to repair or replace any damaged property.
  • Pain and suffering: Victims of motorcycle accidents should receive compensation for the physical and emotional pain and suffering they have had to endure.
  • Wrongful death: If a motorcycle accident results in a wrongful death, the beneficiaries of the deceased individual should be compensated for the unimaginable loss of their loved one.

To discuss what damages you may be eligible to retain following your motorcycle accident in Hayward, California, the team at NK Law Group can help by going over the specific details of your case. When you file your claim, the insurance provider will likely try to offer you the lowest possible amount in damages for your claim. Our experienced legal team can help you negotiate for a fair settlement amount to cover the cost of your losses.

Contact a Hayward Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

NK Law Group is an award-winning personal injury law firm helping motorcycle accident victims in Hayward, California. Our team of trusted lawyers can help you build a strong motorcycle accident claim following an accident where you were harmed. Our experienced legal team is dedicated to providing clients with the trusted representation they deserve to ensure the claims process is as stress-free as possible. 

You do not need to go through the claims filing process alone. To schedule a free consultation with one of our Hayward motorcycle accident lawyers, contact us here or call (510) 519-9497.



If you or someone you know needs help, it will cost you nothing to discuss your injury case with an attorney. Give us a call anytime or contact us via the form below.