Fremont Paralysis Injury Lawyer

When you are injured as a direct result of another person’s reckless behavior, you are owed damages for your injury. Paralysis is the temporary or permanent loss of muscle function in your body. It is most commonly the result of a spinal cord injury. Damage to your spinal cord can affect your sensory and motor signals, resulting in disability.

Being paralyzed after an accident can come with many life changes and situations you must adapt to. This can include expensive rehabilitative therapy, physical therapy, specialized equipment, and more. No one should have to pay the price of another person’s negligence while they get away with their actions without consequence. To get you one step closer to the financial compensation and justice you deserve, the best course of action you can take is partnering with a dedicated law firm like NK Law Group

How a Fremont Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Can Help

Partnering with an attorney after your accident might feel overwhelming, but when it comes to dealing with the insurance company and receiving an adequate settlement, we have found that it provides you with the best chance at success. While you focus on resting and recovering from your injuries, your attorney will get to work on the following important aspects of your claim:

Establish Liability

To establish liability, your Fremont paralysis injury attorney must first demonstrate that negligence has occurred. This is done by proving the four following components have taken place: 

  • There was a standard of care
  • That care was breached
  • That breach directly caused an accident
  • The accident resulted in your paralysis 

This helps to determine an at-fault party and identify whom you are entitled to file a claim with after your accident to recover damages. 

File Your Claim

It is important to remember that the insurance company is not your friend. After your accident, they will likely attempt to dish out a settlement as quickly as possible, which will likely not cover the full extent of your losses. If you accept this settlement offer, you will be unable to file a claim. 

When you have a qualified attorney handle your personal injury claim, you are ensuring you meet the state’s statute of limitations, which is a two-year deadline to file your claim that begins the day of the accident. There are certain exceptions to this rule, but it is unadvisable not to file your claim with the proper documentation before the deadline has passed. Your attorney will handle all aspects of the claim’s process after the filing as well, which includes the negotiation period. 

Collect Evidence

To support your claim and demonstrate the at-fault party’s negligence directly resulted in your accident and injuries, evidence must be collected and assessed. Relevant evidence will depend on the specific circumstances of your accident, but common examples can include:

  • Security camera or traffic camera footage
  • Eyewitness accounts
  • Expert testimony
  • Detailed medical records
  • Police reports
  • Video footage or photographs from your phone

This information is pivotal to your case, and much of it is time-sensitive, so it is important you reach out to a Fremont, CA spinal cord injury attorney as soon as possible so they can begin their investigation. 

What Damages Are You Entitled to After Your Paralysis Injury? 

California currently entitles victims of personal injury accidents to recover damages for their injuries. These damages are broken down into categories, including:

  • Economic damages: Also known as special damages, this is compensation for your tangible losses. Economic damages will cover the cost of losses such as medical bills, property damage, the cost of specialized equipment, and more. 
  • Non-economic damages: Paralysis can come with emotional trauma, and non-economic damages are there to help with that by covering the cost of loss of enjoyment of life, scarring, disfigurement, loss of consortium, and other general damages. 
  • Punitive damages: If your accident was a result of gross negligence, you may be entitled to recover punitive damages. These are not calculated based on your losses but instead are a fee for the wanton recklessness of the liable party. 

California currently only has a damage cap for non-economic damages for medical malpractice claims. 

Injured in an Accident? Consult NK Law Group Today

Don’t try to navigate the aftermath of your accident alone. When you partner with NK Law Group, you are allowing yourself the opportunity to recover from your accident while a compassionate and knowledgeable Fremont, CA paralysis injury lawyer handles the fine print of your personal injury claim. Our team possesses the experience and resources necessary to obtain any time-sensitive evidence, negotiate a worthy settlement with the insurance company, and even take your case to court if need be. 

Don’t settle for compensation that doesn’t cover the full cost of your paralysis injury. Schedule a free consultation today by calling our Fremont office at (510) 519-9497 or using our contact form.

Additional Resources

Naseer Khan Justia Profile

City of Fremont Government

State Bar of California

State of California Statutes



If you or someone you know needs help, it will cost you nothing to discuss your injury case with an attorney. Give us a call anytime or contact us via the form below.