Who Is Liable for a Left Turn Accident in California?

close up image of a car turning signal

Left turns can be particularly tricky, especially when driving over a major intersection. Many drivers can become confused about who is allowed to go first or what certain traffic signals mean, putting drivers making wide left turns across the street at risk of an accident. Even if you do everything in your power to avoid an accident, someone running a light or illegally turning right at their intersection can result in an accident. 

When determining liability for a left turn accident, you have to look at who had the right of way and who didn’t. If it is legally your right to turn left and another driver runs their light or is speeding, they may be held accountable for their negligence and found liable for your damages. If you have been needlessly involved in an accident due to another person’s recklessness, reach out to a dedicated attorney as soon as possible. With years of experience and a compassionate approach to personal injury claims, NK Law Group is here to help you get the results you are looking for after your left turn accident. 

Understanding the Left Turns Laws in California

When it comes to turning left in California, there are many different factors to consider. When driving in general, the right-of-way is used to determine who is legally allowed to proceed first at an intersection or on the road. In California, if the intersection has a green arrow point left, they are allowed to go until it turns red. 

If the traffic stop only has lights and not arrows, green means something different. If you are in a left-turning lane and the light turns green, you are not allowed to legally cross the intersection until the oncoming traffic has cleared. They have the right-of-way, and you must yield until it is safe to cross. Many drivers will not give the proper amount of time to yield and risk speeding across the intersection before the oncoming traffic has had time to clear. This puts you and the other drivers at risk of an accident such as a t-bone or head-on collision. 

Establishing Liability in a Left Turn Accident

Liability is established in a left turn accident by proving negligence has occurred. This done by demonstrating the four components of negligence, which include: 

  • Duty of care: For drivers on the road, their expected duty of care is to adhere to the state driving laws and understand who has the right-of-way. 
  • Breach of care: When a driver runs a red light, does not yield to oncoming traffic, or speeds, this is considered a breach of duty. 
  • Causation or link: Breaching their standard of care is not enough to hold them responsible for your injuries. Their recklessness must have directly caused your accident. 
  • Resulting damages: The resulting damages leave you entitled to file a personal injury claim with their insurance. 

Your attorney will collect and assess relevant evidence to demonstrate your injuries are a direct result of the at-fault party’s negligence. 

Injured in an Accident? Speak to an Attorney Today

You cannot control the actions of others on the road. Nobody deserves to pay the consequences of another person or third party’s reckless disregard for another driver’s safety. If you are currently navigating the aftermath of your accident, don’t do so alone. When you partner with a qualified and dedicated attorney from NK Law Group, you are partnering with a compassionate, highly-regarded attorney who will help file your claim on time, collect time-sensitive evidence for you, and handle all negotiations with the insurance company. 

For your best shot at a settlement worthy of your losses, please call our office today at (510) 519-9497 or use our contact form.

Naseer Khan, Esq.


Naseer Khan, Esq.

September 28 2023

Top-rated personal injury attorney Naseer Khan, Esq. has over a decade of experience advocating for injury victims in California. As an award-winning attorney and a member of the American Association for Justice, Khan has a stellar track record of success and devotion to justice for his clients.