Ways to Prove a Vehicle Was Following Too Close in a Car Accident

a row of cars in traffic

There are many different ways that a negligent driver can cause a car accident. One common cause of car accidents is when a driver follows too close to another car. This can be dangerous because if the frontal driver needs to make a stop, the rear driver may not have enough space to safely stop due to their close proximity to the frontal vehicle. If you were injured in this type of car crash, it is crucial that you know what ways you can prove that the liable vehicle was following too closely at the time of the collision.

NK Law Group is a California personal injury law firm with experience helping accident victims prove that the negligent driver was following their car too closely at the time of the crash. Our trusted legal team will help you file a claim to get fair compensation for the losses you have suffered. 

Can You Prove That Someone Was Tailgating You in a Car Accident Claim?

When a driver tailgates you and hits you as a result, you may be left with injuries and costly losses as a result of their negligence. A car accident claim involving a driver who was following you too closely can be difficult as the negligent driver may claim that they only hit you due to your own actions and that they were not in the wrong. However, there are several ways to prove that a vehicle was following too closely in a car accident:

Photo or Video Evidence

One of the best forms of evidence that a car was following too closely and caused an accident is photos and videos. When you have photos and videos of what occurred, this evidence can show an unbiased view of exactly what happened. This type of evidence can be obtained from video surveillance from security cameras in parking lots or on traffic lights that will have captured the incident. When you have photo or video evidence, it can be used to measure the distance between your vehicle and the other vehicles involved in your accident.

The Accident Report

After a car accident occurs, it is important that the victims call 9-1-1 immediately so that emergency services can get to the scene. Not only is it important to have police present for your safety, it is also essential as law enforcement will file an official accident report. This accident report will detail exactly what happened and will be a crucial piece of evidence in proving that the other driver was too close to your car when the accident occurred. 

Eye Witness Statements

Eye witnesses can be highly valuable in an accident caused by the other driver tailgating the frontal vehicle. If you are approached by an eye witness after the crash occurred, you should ask if they would feel comfortable providing you with a brief statement, their name, and contact information to be used in your claim.  

Get Help From a California Car Accident Lawyer

Being injured in a car accident where the driver who hit you was following too closely can be difficult when it comes to proving fault in your personal injury claim. To get help pursuing fair compensation for your claim, contact a trusted California car accident lawyer today.

The top-rated attorneys at NK Law Group have been helping car accident victims in California build strong personal injury claims for years. Our dedicated legal team is passionate about providing clients with the trusted representation they deserve. To schedule a free consultation, contact us here or call (510) 519-9497.

Naseer Khan, Esq.


Naseer Khan, Esq.

January 29 2023

Top-rated personal injury attorney Naseer Khan, Esq. has over a decade of experience advocating for injury victims in California. As an award-winning attorney and a member of the American Association for Justice, Khan has a stellar track record of success and devotion to justice for his clients.